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2018 restructuring bonus

La Legge di Bilancio 2018 ha introdotto importanti novità sui bonus casaper i contribuenti. In questo articolo ci occuperemo nel dettaglio del bonus ristrutturazioni 2018, analizzando quali sono le agevolazioni previste e prorogate fino al prossimo 31 dicembre per chi...

The 2018 Budget Law introduced important news on home bonuses for taxpayers.

In this article we will deal in detail with the bonus renovations 2018, analyzing what are the facilities provided and extended until December 31 for those who work at home.

There are many new features starting from 1st January 2018: from the confirmation of the extension of the renovation and furniture bonus , to the new deduction rates for the Ecobonus for works started from 1st January 2018.

The text of the 2018 Budget Law also confirms the introduction of the green bonus , or the deduction of 36% and up to € 5,000 of expenditure for the care of private gardens and terraces.

The extension of the 50% deduction to 96,000 euros of expenditure for renovations carried out in 2018 was particularly expected. Here’s what the renovation bonus will look like in 2018 and what the amount, limit and measure of the tax deduction will be for those who want to renovate their home.

Picture of PMS SRL


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